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Support us

You can make a one-off donation or set up a regular standing order. For example, you might consider donating £26 per year to provide a desk set for a classroom, or £5 a year for a school uniform for a child. You can ask for your donation to be used for a specific purpose, such as for the uniform project or the furniture project, or ask EWA to use it for the greatest need at the time. If there is an emergency in Sierra Leone, like the mudslides in 2017, we will put information on the News page and invite donations.

We have also received donations in memory of individuals. For example, Mrs Betty Smith funded a classroom at Nyandeyama School in Kenema, and trustees gave the school a commemorative plaque during their visit in 2024. Some years ago, a donation in memory of Mike Bassford was used to extend the school at Lein, and a plaque recording this was attached to the school during a visit by Trustees.

We are also grateful to companies who support us. De Beers funded a motorbike for the Education Secretary in Bo, Alex Puhindei, so he could reach remote rural schools.

VENT for Change provided 4 large bags of pencils made from recycled CD cases to give to schools on the Trustees' visit in February 2024.

Contact us for our bank details, or send a cheque made payable to Education West Africa to:

Education West Africa
3 Anchor Cottages
High Street
West Sussex
BN16 4AG